Vinux There is a Linux Distribution for the Visually Impaired

The Vinux Project is a distribution of Linux based on the Ubuntu Distribution providing a user experience with accessibility in mind.  The Vinux distribution features magnification software and a high contrast desktop by default.  The distribution also features Text to Speech, Braille support and many other features.  You can download Vinux at the project website:

The easiest way to experience Vinux is to download the live CD which can be burned to a 750MB CD and booted.  It is a fully functional operating system for you to play around with.  If you like what you see you can partition your drive and run a dual boot computer but if you do not want to do this you can create a virtual machine and use Vinux that way.

I personally use VirtualBox for most of my virtual machines.  It is free and can be downloaded here:

The VirtualBox GUI can be difficult to use with some screen readers but the great thing about VirtualBox is that you can create a VM directly from the command line.

I realise this is a short post and contains basic information but if there is any interest in running Vinux I will be happy to answer any questions or creating more blog posts on the topic.